This file includes poems, quotes and humor about siblings, sisters, and brothers. Also see Twins or More.


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Sibling Rivalry

They fight like siblings everywhere.
I used to reprimand,
But now I let them settle it;
I've come to understand.
No matter how loud they might get,
When "push" might come to "shove,"
My oldest two will soon show me
How deep and true is love.

For though these two might argue and
Each claim the other's 'mean',
Nobody else had better try
To ever come between.
They fuss like cats and dogs, but then,
They soon forget who's right,
If someone hurts just one of them,
They'll instantly unite.

How wonderful is loyalty
That never ever ends;
For certain they both know inside
That they're forever friends.


(Dorothy Aldis)

I am the sister of him
And he is my brother.
He is too little for us
To talk to each other.

So every morning I show him
My doll and my book;
But every morning he still is
Too little to look.

(alternate version)

I am the brother of her
And she is my sister.
She is too little for us
To talk to each other.

So every morning I show her
My truck and my book;
But every morning she still is
Too little to look.

Little Sisters

(Annabel Henley)

Thank you God for little sisters
They keep us on our toes.
They play with us and laugh with us
And mess up our Legos.

God gave me a sister
To teach me about life.
She loves and aggravates me
And gives me strength and strife.

Thank you God for little sisters
They are special as can be.
Don't mess with my little sister
Or you'll have to deal with me.

Loving Two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand,
basking in the glow of our magical relationship.
Suddenly I feel a kick from within,
as if to remind me that our time alone is limited.

And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?

Then he is born, and I watch you.
I watch the pain you feel at having to share me
as you've never shared me before.

I hear you telling me in your own way,
"Please love only me."
And I hear myself telling you in mine,
"I can't," knowing, in fact, that I never can again.

You cry. I cry with you.
I almost see our new baby as an intruder
on the precious relationship we once shared.
A relationship we can never quite have again.

But then, barely noticing,
I find myself attached to that new being,
and feeling almost guilty.
I'm afraid to let you see me enjoying him--
as though I am betraying you.

But then I notice your resentment change,
first to curiosity,
then to protectiveness,
finally to genuine affection.

More days pass,
and we are settling into a new routine.
The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.

But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just we two.
There are new times--only now, we are three.
I watch the love between you grow,
the way you look at each other, touch each other.

I watch how he adores you--as I have for so long.
I see how excited you are by each of his new accomplishments.
And I begin to realize that I haven't taken something from you,
I've given something to you.
I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you.

I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are,
but equally strong.
And my question is finally answered, to my amazement.
Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you--only differently.

And although I realize that you may have to share my time,
I now know you'll never share my love.
There's enough of that for both of you--
you each have your own supply.

I love you both. And I thank you both for blessing my life.

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(compiled by Denny Davis(


Sisterly Reflections

(author unknown)

You've been a fantastic sister,
my very best friend.
We've shared the sad and happy
again and again.
Individuality we always allow,
and because of this we're
even closer now.
I eagerly await our togetherness
times and the enlightening
meeting of our minds.
For in you, I discover the
best in me,
It's a most special love that
always will be!

No Friend Like a Sister

(Christina Rossetti)

For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands.

Sisters and Friends

(author unknown)

My sister shares a part of me
that no one else shall ever see.
And when the days and miles divide us . . .
the bond we have will live inside us.
Together sharing dreams,
love and laughter
My sister for always,
my friend . . . forever after.


(author unknown)

Sisters share their inner souls,
Secrets, hopes, sorrow, goals.
Though time passes with joy or tears
A sister's love will last the years.

Time Will Never Change the Love We Share as Sisters

(Dianna Barnett)

Time has changed our secrets
and the pigtails in our hair;
It has changed the silly arguments
and the giggles that we shared.
It has changed our childish happiness
to grown-up make-believe,
And leaving us with little else,
it has slowly changed
our dreams.

Time has come along and changed
the essence of our world;
Then finally and silently,
it has changed the little girls.
But having taken away the dreams
and the simple things we shared before.
Time has led us to the lasting things
we need each other for.

Memories of moments
that were made for us to share,
The crazy laughter
that's somehow always there,
The hidden corners of our lives
only we will ever know,
And the love that becomes deeper
and sweeter as it grows.

Time changes many things
and some dreams come apart,
But nothing can reach or change
the love for you
that lives within my heart.

What is a Sister

(author unknown)

She's a friend who brings sunshine and laughter your way.
She supports you in all that you do
She's been at the heart of so many glad moments
And shares precious memories with you.

She knows how you've changed
How you've grown through the years
And she knows all that you're dreaming of
She's the comfort of family, the warm touch of home
She's a beautiful blessings of love.

The Sister Song

(author unknown)

Sometimes we're real close friends.
We stay up late and talk at night.
Other times we don't get along,
There are even times we fight.

But I know she's always there.
And I know she'll always care.
She's my sister.
I love my sister.

I've given her a great, big hug
When she was feeling bad.
And then again I've said some things
That have really made her mad.

But I know she's always there.
And I know she'll always care.
She's my sister.
I love my sister.

When My Sister and I are Old

(author unknown)

When My Sister and I are Old
We shall wear Purple!
We will spend our Saturdays seeking out
every garage sale within a ten-mile radius.
We will critique the bargains and say,
"Oh, remember this ~ We used to have one of these!"
We will grocery shop all about town,
hunting down the sales and tasting deli samples at each stop.

We will make promises to each other, like
. . . never wear plastic rain bonnets
. . . never wear nylon knee-hi's with a dress
. . . and always keep a pen and paper next to your bed
so you don't forget those nighttime thoughts.
We will walk the Mall's at seven a.m. and wear shirts
that say, "Sisters Are Forever Friends."

We'll have a glass of wine at dusk
. . . gossip a little and giggle a lot.
We will do all these things and more
My Sister and I
When we grow old and wear Purple.

Songs about Sisters

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Brother, You are the Best

(by Erin N. Himelrick)

There are years lost behind us,
full of words we never spoke,
and now we have our separate lives
and less time to share together.
But in my heart I have always felt
the love we have,
and neither distance nor time
can take away the bond
we forged as children.

Growing up, we played and fought,
talked and laughed.
Beyond the fun and games,
beyond the battles we waged,
we found in each other
unending support
and a lifelong friend.

Through thick and thin,
and difficult times,
we emerged together as one,
protecting each other
from the world.
I know that if either of us
ever need anything,
we can count on the other
to give our all
and help in every way possible.

Perhaps words are not always
necessary in our relationship,
because we both know what's there.
But today I want to take the time
to remind you how much I really care
and thank you for all
that you have been to me.
I could never ask for, want,
or need a better brother,
because I have the best in you.
I love you!

Little Brother

(Michelle Gregory)

Life gave me a brother
To teach me about life
He loves and aggravates me
And gives me strength and strife.

Thank goodness for little brothers
They are special as can be
Don't mess with my little brother
Or you'll have to deal with me.

Little Brother

(author unknown)

I love you well, my little brother,
And you are fond of me;
Let us be kind to one another,
As brothers ought to be.

You shall learn to play with me,
And learn to use my toys;
And then I think that we shall be
Two happy little boys.


(Wendy Silva)

B is for the bond that can never be taken away.
R is for the refuge that you have to me each day.
O is for the oath that we will always remain as friends.
T is for the truth upon which everything depends.
H is for the honor it is to be your brother.
E is for encouragement that we give to one another.
R is for the road that we have traveled down so far.
S is for security, for when I need you, there you are.

New Baby

(author unknown)

My mom says I'm her sugarplum.
My mom says I'm her lamb.
My mom says I'm completely perfect
Just the way I am.

My mom says I'm more special
than anything money can buy.
My mom just had another baby.

My Brother

(author unknown)

We shared many secrets,
the same Mom and Dad.
We shared lots of good times--
don't think of the bad.
Our memories we'll treasure
with love without end.
I'm glad you're my brother . . .
I'm glad you're my friend.


(Helen Harrington)

     I know a man and his brother
     who never spoke to each other
          but talked through their cat
          and left it at that
     and, so, always like one another!

Songs about Brothers

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