This file includes Money and Finance ABC's,
and song lists about being rich, being poor, money, coins, shopping, pay/paid, and cost.
Also see Business, Finance Humor and files in the Work section.
Page Toppers
- Born to Shop
- Busted
- The Buck Stops Here
- Cheap Thrills
- Common Cents
- Don't Bank on it
- Easy Money
- For Richer or Poorer
- Free For All
- Gold Rush
- Greed
- I Came. I Saw. I Shopped.
- In the Money
- Let's Go Shopping
- Lifestyles of the Not So Rich and Famous
- Million Dollar Question
- Money Bags
- Money Can't Buy Me Love
- Money Money Money
- Money Well Spent
- Monopoly
- New Money
- No Price too High
- Nouveau Rich
- Old Money
- One for the Money
- Payday Saturday Night
- A Penny Saved
- Possession Obsession
- The Price is Right
- The Road to Riches
- Shop 'Til You Drop
- Shopping Spree
- Show Me the Money
- Taking Charge
- Thanks a Million
- Time is Money
- We're In the Money
- Window Shopping
- Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
- You Can Bank on It
- Your Tax Dollars at Work
- Zip. Zilch. Nada.
- The best things in life are free.
- The best things in life aren't things. (Art Buchwald)
- Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; communism is the equal distribution of poverty.
- Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
- Don't spend money you haven't earned to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't like.
- Economics is war pursued by other means. (Raymond F. DeVoe Jr.)
- For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred. (John Gardner)
- The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
- He who knows enough is enough will always have enough. (Lao -tzu)
- If you have two loaves of bread, give one to the poor,
sell the other and buy hyacinths to feed your soul.
- It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
- Money doesn't buy class.
- Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. (Oscar Wilde)
- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit. (Eli Khamarov)
- The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied . . . but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing. (John Berger)
- Put your money where your mouth is.
- The real measure of our wealth is how much we'd be worth if we lost all our money. (J.H. Jowett)
- The rich would have to eat money if the poor did not provide food. (Russian Proverb)
- Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul. (Henry David Thoreau)
- There are lots of things in life that money won't buy,
but have you ever tried to buy them without money.
- To feel rich, count the things you have that money can't buy.
- Too many people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
- The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time. (Willem de Kooning)
- Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
- Wealth lies not in the extent of possessions but in the fewness of wants.
- Money can buy you delicious food, but it can't buy you an appetite.
It can buy beautiful parties, but not buy even one loyal friend.
It can take you all over the world, but it cannot buy you a ticket to contentment.
- No man is rich enough to buy back his past. (Oscar Wilde)
- There are two ways to get enough.
One is to continue to accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less. (G. K. Chesterson)
Inflation Calculator
For information on the value of things today compared with in the past there is a good site to visit: The Inflation Calculator
The Inflation Calculator covers values from 1800 to 1998.
Just type in the amount you know (either the current value or the 'historical' one), and the Calculator gives you both valuations.
In case you wonder an 1859 dollar would be worth over $18 in 2002.
What Money Won't Buy
Money Will Buy . . .
A bed but not sleep
Books but not brains
Food but not appetite
Finery but not beauty
A house but not a home
Medicine but not health
Luxuries but not culture
Amusements but not happiness
Religion but not salvation.
The Terrible People
(Ogden Nash)
People who have what they want are very fond of telling people
who haven't what they want that they really don't want it;
And I wish I could afford to gather all such people into a gloomy
castle on the Danube and hire half a dozen capable Dracaulas to haunt it.
I don't mind their having a lot of money, And I don't care how they employ it,
But I do think they damn well ought to admit they enjoy it.
But no, they insist on being stealthy
About the pleasures of being wealthy.
And the possession of a handsome annuity
Makes them think that to say how hard it is to make both ends
meet is their bounden duty.
You cannot conceive of an occasion
Which well find them without some suitable evasion.
Yes, indeed, with arguments that are very fecund,
Their first point is that money isn't everything,
and that they have no money anyhow is their second.
Some people's money is merited,
And other people's is inherited,
But wherever it comes from,
They talk about it as if it were something you got pink gums from.
This may well be,
But if so, why do they not relieve themselves of the burden by
transferring it to the deserving poor--or me?
Perhaps indeed the possession of wealth is constantly distressing,
But I should be quite willing to assume every curse of wealth if
I could at the same time assume every blessing.
The only incurable troubles of the rich are the troubles that money can't cure,
Which is a kind of trouble that is even more troublesome if you are poor.
Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won't buy,
but it's very funny--
Have you ever tried to buy them without money?
(Compiled by Bonnie Jasperson and Denny Davis)
A - account, accountant, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accrued expense, acquisition, adding machine, adjustable rate mortgage, adjusted gross income, advance, affordable, after-tax income, alimony, allowance, amended return, amortization, annuity, appraisal, armored truck, asset, ATM, audit
B - bad debt, bait and switch, balance, balanced budget, balancing your checkbook, bank, banker, bank robber, budget, balloon payment, bankruptcy, bear market, bearer bond, beneficiary, bequest, bill of sale, billionaire, blank check, blue chip, bonds, book value, bookkeeping, bottom line, bounced check, Brinks, broke, broker, bullish, burglary, buyer's market
C - calculator, canceled check, capital, capital gain, capital loss carryover, cash, cash advance, cash cow, cash flow, cash it in, cashier, cashier's check, cash value, caveat emptor, certificate of deposit, chapter 11, check, checkbook, checking account, collection agency, compound interest, con game, consumer, coins, contribution, cooking the books, cost-of-living index, credit card, currency
D - debenture, debit, debit card, debt, debtor, deductible, deed, deficit, deposit, deposit slip, depreciation, dime, dinar, direct deposit, disbursement, discretionary income, disposable income, distribution, diversified, dividend, doing business as (DBA), dollar, dollar bill, double-entry bookkeeping, Dow Jones Averages, downsizing, due date, durable power of attorney
E - early retirement, early withdrawal penalty, earned income, earnest money, earnings, economics, economic growth, economic indicator, economist, economy, embezzle, employee contribution, entrepreneur, equity, escrow, estate tax, Euro, excise tax, expense
F - fair market value, farthing, FDIC, federal deficit, federal tax ID number, fiduciary, FIFO (first in, first out), filing status, finance charge, financial planning, fiscal year, fixed income, fixed-rate mortgage, flexible spending account, florin, foreclosure, foreign exchange rate, forfeiture, forgery, form 1040, fortune 500, franc, franchise, fraud, free and clear, free market, fringe benefits, front-end load, Fort Knox, funds, futures
G - gamble, garnishment, general accounting office, gift tax, Ginnie Mae (government national mortgage association), GNP (gross national product), going public, gold, gold bar, gold brick, gold standard, golden parachute, good faith deposit, government bond, grace period, gratis, gratuity, Great Depression, greenback, gross income, gross sales, growth fund, guilder
H - hand it over, hard currency, head of household, hedge fund, heir, hidden asset, high-grade bond, high yield, HMO (health maintenance organization), hold up, holder of record, home equity loan, hostile takeover, human capital, hush money
I - income, income tax, Individual Retirement Account (IRA), industrial revenue bond, inflation rate, ingot, inheritance, Initial Public Offering (IPO), insider trading, insolvency, installment loan, insured, insurance premium, intangible asset, interest, interest rate, internal audit, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), interstate commerce, intestate, in the black, in the money, in the red, inventory, investment, investor, invoice, IOU, irrevocable trust, itemized deductions
J - January effect, joint account, joint and several liability, joint ownership, joint tax return, journal, journal entry, judgment lien, judicial foreclosure, junk bond, jurisdiction, just title
K - kappa, keiretsu, Keogh Plan, key person insurance, kickback, kiting, krona, krugerrand, KYC (know your customer)
L - labor force, landlord, Last in First out, law of supply and demand, lawyer, layoff, leading market indicators, lease, ledger, legacy, legal age, legal tender, lek (Albanian currency), lender, lessee, lessor, letter of credit, leveraged buyout, levy, liability, liability insurance, lien, life insurance, line of credit, liquid assets, liquidation, lira, list price, living trust, load fund, loan, loan shark, long-term, loophole, loss, loss carryover, lucrative, lump sum, luxury tax
M - macroeconomics, majority stockholder, making book, management fee, margin call, mark, market price, market share, market value, markup, mass production, mastercard, matching funds, maturity, median income, Medicare, merchandise, merger, microeconomics, middleman, millionaire, minimum wage, The Mint, MLM (multilevel marketing), monetary, money, money clip, money flow, money management, money order, monopoly, monthly statement, mortgage, mortgage rate, municipal bond, mutual fund
N - Nasdaq, national bank, national deficit, nest egg, net income, net profit, net worth, New York Stock Exchange, nickel, no-fault, no-load fund, non-disclosure agreement, non-profit organization, nonrefundable, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), notarized, note, not-for-profit organization, null and void, numismatics
O - October effect, of record, off the books, offering, on close, on consignment, on demand, one time charge, online banking, opening bell, open market, operating assets, operating costs, option account, ordinary income, original equipment manufacturer (OEM), origination fee, orphan stock, other income, outgo, out-sourcing, outstanding check, overage, overdraft protection, over-drawn, overdue, owe, own, owner of record
P - paid, paper trail, parity, partnership, passbook, past-due balance, pawn broker, pay, payable to, paycheck, payee, payment, payment in kind, payroll, penalty, penny, penny stock, pence, pension plan, per capita income, peso, petty cash, PIN number, pink ship, POD (payment on death), portfolio, possession, postdate, pound, poverty, power of attorney, precious metals, preferred stock, prepayment penalty, pre-tax, price, price fixing, price range, prime rate, principal balance, probate, proceeds, productivity, profit, profit and loss statement, profit margin, promissory note, property, property tax, proprietorship, pro rata, prospectus, proxy, public domain, purchase, purchasing power, put/call ratio, pyramid scheme
Q - qualification period, qualified trust, qualifying ratios, qualitative analysis, quality assurance, quality control, quantitative analysis, quarter, quarterly, quarterly report, quetzal, quick assets, quick turn, quid, quid pro quo, quitclaim deed, quorum, quota, quote, quote ticker
R - raincheck, raise, rand, rate of exchange, Reaganomics, real estate, realized profit, realtor, rebate, rebound, recall, recapture, receipt, receivables, receivership, recession, reconciliation, redeem, redemption fee, red flag, red ink, refinancing, refund, registered security, registrar, regulatory agency, reimbursement, reinvest, remittance, remuneration, renewable, rent, renter's insurance, reorganization, reparation, replacement cost, repo, repossession, requisition, research and development, reseller, reserve, residual, resource, restraint of trade, retail, retail sales index, retainer, retire, retirement fund, return of capital, revenue, revenue bond, reverse mortgage, revocable trust, revolving line of credit, rich, risk, risk-free return, risk tolerance, roll of coins, rollover, Roth IRA, royalty, rubber check, rupee
S - salary, salary freeze, sale, sales tax, salvage value, saving, savings account, savings bond, schedule C, second mortgage, secured loan, securities, securities exchange, self-employed, sell, seller's market, service contract, settlement, severance pay, shareholder, shares, shilling, shop, short-term, signature loan, simple interest, single-entry bookkeeping, slump, social security, social security tax, solvent, speculator, spousal IRA, stagnation, Standard & Poor, standard deduction, standard of living, startup, statement, stock, stockbroker, stock dividend, stockholder, stock market, stock option, stockpile, stock split, stop-loss, stop payment, straight line depreciation, strike, subpoena, subsidiary, sue, supply-side economics, surcharge, surplus, surrender value, survivor benefit, swap, sweat equity
T - take-home pay, takeover, tangible assets, taxes, taxable income, tax audit, tax bracket, tax-deductible, tax evasion, tax-exempt, tax ID number, tax rate, tax refund, tax return, tax shelter, telemarketing, teller, tenancy in common, tenant, term insurance, testate, thief, thrift, ticker tape, tight market, time deposit, title search, tort, total cost, trade deficit, trade-in allowance, transaction, traveler's check, treasury bond, treasury index, trial offer, trickle-down theory, trust, trust fund, trustee, truth in lending, turnover, tycoon
U - umbrella policy, uncertainty, uncertified funds, unconditional, uncovered call, underemployment, underfunded pension plan, underinsured, underperformer, undervalued, underwriter, unearned income, unemployed, unemployment rate, unencumbered property, unit of trade, universal life insurance, unlisted, unrealized loss, unsecured loan, upswing, U.S. Savings Bond, U.S. Treasury, useful life, usury
V - valuation, value, value added tax, value at risk, value averaging, variable annuity, variable rate, vendor, venture capital, vesting period, Visa, void, volatile, volatility risk, volume discount, voluntary contribution, voting right, voucher
W - wages, waiting period, waiver of premium, wall street, warehouse receipt, warranty, warranty deed, watered stock, weak dollar, weak market, wedge, weighted average, wealthy, wells fargo, white-collar, whole life insurance, wholesale, wholly-owned subsidiary, wildcat strike, will, windfall, window of opportunity, win-win situation, withdrawal, withholding tax, with interest, working capital, world trade organization, worth, worthless, write-off
X - eXpense, XD (symbol that a bond is trading without interest), XR (symbol that a stock is trading without rights attached), XW (symbol that a stock is ex-warrants)
Y - yen, year-end bonus, year-to-date (YTD), yield, yield curve, yield spread, yield to maturity, Y shares, you can bank on it
Z - zero balance, zero-base budgeting, zero-coupon bond, zero-investment portfolio, zero-sum game, zoning, Z shares
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Songs about Being Rich
- Easy Street - The Edgar Winter Group (1974)
- Flash Your Diamonds and Show Your Gold - Charline Arthur (1955)
- Rags to Riches - The Dominoes (1953)
- Rich Girl - Hall and Oates (1977)
- Richest Fool Alive, The - Patty Loveless (2001)
- Richest Man on Earth, The - Paul Overstreet (1989)
- Too Many Dollars, Not Enough Sense - Connie Eaton (1968)
Songs about Being Poor
- Ain't No Money - Rosanne Cash (1982)
- Broke and Hungry - Sleepy John Estes (1964)
- Brother, Can You Spare a Dime - Thea Gilmore (2003)
- Busted - John Conlee (1982)
- Check in the Mail - Millie Jackson (1996)
- Coupon Clippin' - Gene Simmons (1982)
- Day Late and a Dollar Short, A - Ian Gillan (2006)
- Fifteen Cents is All I Got - Grandpa Jones (1952)
- Friendly Loans - The Marcels (1962)
- High Cost, Low Pay Blues - Ivory Joe Hunter (1947)
- I.O.U. - Lee Greenwood (1983)
- I.O.U. Blues - The Beale Streeters (1952)
- I am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger - Joan Baez (1988)
- I'm a Good Man But a Poor Man - Cecil Gant (1949)
- I Wish the World Owed Me a Living - The Jayhawks (1959)
- In a Little Second-Hand Store - Lawrence Welk (1992)
- Last Old Dollar - Mark Schatz (2006)
- Late Rent - Jon Hammond (2004)
- Lifestyles of the Not So Rich and Famous - Tracy Byrd (1994)
- Livin' Offa Credit - Jim Nesbitt (1963)
- Pawn Ticket - The George Shearing Quintet (1958)
- Pay Day - Guy Davis (2004)
- Payday Saturday Night - Zeke Clements (1952)
- Paying the Rent - Necessity (2007)
- Poor Boy - The Royaltones (1958)
- Poor Folks Stick Together - Stoney Edwards (1971)
- Poor Man's Roses, A - Stacy Dean Campbell (1993)
- Poor Man's Roses or a Rich Man's Gold, A - Patsy Cline (1957)
- Poor Man's Son - The Reflections (1965)
- Poor Man's Woman, A - Jeanne Pruett (1975)
- Poor People of Paris - Les Baxter Orchestra (1956)
- Poor Side of Town - Johnny Rivers (1966)
- Rags to Riches - The Dominoes (1953)
- Rent is Due, The - Dangerous Darryl (2002)
- Second-Hand Blues - Diana Pops (2006)
- Second-Hand Car - Neil Wilde (2007)
- Second-Hand Clothes - The Experience (2005)
- Second-Hand Clothing - Eli (1999)
- Second-Hand Furniture - The Bionaut (2006)
- Second-Hand Shoes - Michael de Jong (1999)
- Second-Hand Store - Richard March (2007)
- Second-Hand Table and Chairs - Sixty Stories (2003)
- Thirty-Four Cents Till Thursday - Billy Bob Bowman (1974)
- Thrifty Man - Randy Brecker (1988)
- Too Much Month at the End of the Money - Billy Hill (1989)
- Too Poor - Detroit Junior (1960)
- Welfare Blues - Guitar Gabriel (1968)
- Welfare Line - Kate MacLeod (1995)
- Working Poor - David Francey (2000)
- Your Check's in the Mail - The Stan Bock Ensemble (2007)
Songs about Money
- $2 Pistol - Houston Marchman (2002)
- $1000 Wedding - Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris (1973)
- Addicted to a Dollar - Doug Stone (1994)
- Ain't No Money - Rosanne Cash (1982)
- All the Gold in California - The Gatlin Brothers (1979)
- All the Money's Gone - Greg Brown (1995)
- Almighty Dollar, The - Freddie Hart (1963)
- Another Day, Another Dollar - Wynn Stewart (1962)
- Back When Gas Was Thirty Cents a Gallon - Hall (1980)
- Back-Pocket Money - Jimmy Newman (1966)
- Ballad of Forty Dollars - Tom T. Hall (1969)
- Bank Teller Song - Me First (1999)
- Blue Collar Dollar - J. Foxworthy, B. Engvall and M. Stuart (2000)
- Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles (1964)
- Cash on the Barrelhead - Billy Lord (1966)
- Cash Register Heart - Bob Crewe (1954)
- Daddy's Money - Ricochet (1996)
- Dancing for Dimes - Mel Carter (1975)
- Day Late and a Dollar Short, A - Ian Gillan (2006)
- Dime and a Dollar, A - Tommy Sands (1954)
- Dollar Ain't a Dollar Anymore, A - Tom Glazer (1944)
- Dollar Bill - Eugene Church (1967)
- Dollar Down, A - The Limeliters (1961)
- Dollar Matinée - Nanci Griffith (1978)
- Dollar's Worth of Pennies, A - Tommy Roe (1970)
- Don't Bet Money, Honey - Linda Scott (1961)
- First One to the Bank - Fritz Schultz (2006)
- Five-Cent Candy - Orville Couch (1957)
- Five-Dollar Bill - Hoyt Axton (1966)
- Five-Dollar Fine - Chris LeDoux (1996)
- For a Few Dollars More - Hugo Montenegro Orchestra (1967)
- For the Love of Money - The O'Jays (1974)
- Gas Money - Jan and Arnie (1958)
- Gold Digger - Kanye West (2005)
- Green Chri$tma$ - Stan Freberg (1958)
- Greenback Dollar - The Kingston Trio (1963)
- Hush Money - Jerry Riopelle (1994)
- I Cried All the Way to the Bank - Norma Jean (1965)
- I Don't Need Lotsa Money - Alan Freed and His Band (1956)
- I Don't Want Your Money - Chicago (1971)
- I Found a Million-Dollar Baby in a 5 & 10 Cent Store - Intrigue (2000)
- I Want My Money Back - Sammy Kershaw (2003)
- I've Got Five Dollars and it's Saturday Night - Pitney and Jones (1965)
- If You've Got the Money I've Got the Time - Willie Nelson (1976)
- If You've Got the Money, Honey, I've Got the Time - Lefty Frizzell (1950)
- It Takes a Lot of Money - Bob Jennings (1964)
- It's Money That Matters - Randy Newman (1988)
- Last Dollar (Fly Away) - Tim McGraw (2007)
- Last Old Dollar - Mark Schatz (2006)
- Love Will Get You Through Times with No Money - Girls Next Door (1986)
- Mad Money - George Highfill (1987)
- Million Dollar Quartet - Ronnie Haig (2002)
- Money - Tex Williams (1954)
- Money Back Guarantee - The Neville Brothers and Jimmy Buffett (1983)
- Money for Nothing - Dire Straits (1985)
- Money Game, The - New Hope (1970)
- Money Honey - Scotty Moore (1964)
- Money in the Bank - Dawn Landes (2010)
- Money in the Mail - Country Gazette (1982)
- Money, Marbles, and Chalk - The Tennessee Cut-Ups (1960)
- Money Talks - AC/DC (1991)
- Money, That's All I Want - The Kingsmen (1964)
- Money, That's What I Want - Barrett Strong (1960)
- Money Tree - Detroit Junior (1960)
- National Bank - The National Bank (2004)
- National Bank of Dad - Stan and Paul (2007)
- Not for All the Money in the World - The Shirelles (1963)
- Old Dollar Bill - Jimmie Skinner (1963)
- One Dollar Rose - Jasper Stone (1999)
- One More Dollar - Gillian Welch (1996)
- Pocket Full of Gold - Vince Gill (1991)
- Power of Gold, The - Dan Fogelberg (1978)
- Rock-a-Billy Money - Mayf Nutter (1986)
- Show Her Lots of Gold - The Willis Brothers (1967)
- State Bank of Cheyenne - Braam (2008)
- Ten Dollars and a Clean White Shirt - Tommy Sands (1964)
- Ten Whole Dollars - The Capitol City Rockets (1973)
- Three Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents - The 5 Red Caps (1951)
- Too Many Dollars, Not Enough Sense - Connie Eaton (1968)
- Too Much Month at the End of the Money - Billy Hill (1989)
- Two Dollars in the Jukebox, Five in a Bottle - Eddie Rabbitt (1977)
- Two-Dollar Toy, A - Stoney Edwards (1971)
- Your Tax Dollars at Work - John Hartford (1994)
Songs about Coins
- 5 Pennies - Norman Greenbaum (1973)
- 26 Cents - The Wilkinsons (1998)
- 31 Cents - The Four Postmen (1993)
- All You Need is a Quarter - Jeff Barry (1960)
- Bad Penny Always Returns, A - Hank Penny (1951)
- Both Sides of the Coin - Steps Ahead (1983)
- Brother, Can You Spare a Dime - Thea Gilmore (2003)
- Buffalo Nickel - Rusty Draper (1968)
- Copper Penny - Tyme (2005)
- Dime a Dozen - Shirley Collie (1961)
- Dime and a Dollar, A - Tommy Sands (1954)
- Dime at a Time, A - Del Reeves (1967)
- Dime-a-Dance Romance - Jonathan Edwards (1997)
- Dime's Worth of Dreams, A - Benny Martin (1960)
- Drop Another Nickel in the Jukebox - Timmie Rogers (1945)
- Drop Some Silver in the Jukebox - Dick Curless (1970)
- Fifteen Cents is All I Got - Grandpa Jones (1952)
- Five-Cent Candy - Orville Couch (1957)
- Five-Penny Nickel - The Glaser Brothers (1958)
- Give Me a Penny - Slim Chance (1974)
- Handful of Change - Jasper Stone (1999)
- Heads or Tails - Booker T and the MGs (1968)
- Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares - Travis Tritt (1991)
- I Wasted a Nickel - Hawkshaw Hawkins (1949)
- I Wish I Had a Nickel - Jimmy Wakely (1949)
- If I Didn't Have a Dime to Play the Jukebox - Gene Pitney (1962)
- If Teardrops Were Pennies - Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner (1973)
- Indian Head Penny - Guy Clark (1999)
- It Only Costs a Dime - Dick Flood (1960)
- Love at the Five and Dime - Kathy Mattea (1986)
- Magic Penny, The - Cathy Fink (1988)
- My Piggy Bank - Brad and Diana (2000)
- Nickel for a Dozen Roses, A - Big Bill Lister (1951)
- Nickel is a Nickel Blues, A - Mike Esposito (2001)
- Nickel Song, The - The New Seekers (1971)
- Nickel Wine - Dave Bartholomew (1949)
- Nickel's Worth of Heaven, A - Brian Collins (1983)
- Nickels and Dimes - Gib Guilbeau (2003)
- Nickels and Dimes and Love - John Michael Montgomery (1992)
- Nickels, Quarters and Dimes - Johnnie Wright (1966)
- Pennies From Heaven - The Skyliners (1960)
- Penny Arcade - Christy Lane (1978)
- Penny for Your Thoughts - Mark Valentino (1963)
- Penny Serenade - Guy Lombardo (1939)
- Penny Whistle Blues - Freddy Martin Band (1952)
- Penny Wishes - Tommy Hunter (1963)
- Piggy Bank - Rachel Goodrich (2008)
- Piggy Bank Boogie - Ray Conniff Orchestra and Chorus (1953)
- Put a Nickel in the Jukebox - Hawkshaw Hawkins (1960)
- Put a Quarter in the Jukebox - Buck Owens (1989)
- Put Another Nickel in (Music Music Music) - Ames Brothers (1950)
- Put in a Quarter - David Heavener (1995)
- Queen of the Silver Dollar - Dave and Sugar (1975)
- Shake Your Piggy Bank - Ah-Choo (2007)
- Silver Dollar - The Frisco Jazz Band (1953)
- Silver Dollar - Don Drummond (2006)
- Silver Dollars - Axton Kincaid (2008)
- Small Change - Sam Bush and Alan Munde (1977)
- Ten Cents a Dance - Chris Connor (1963)
- Thirty-Four Cents Till Thursday - Billy Bob Bowman (1974)
- Three Coins in a Fountain - Julius La Rosa (1954)
- Three Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents - The 5 Red Caps (1951)
- Three Heartaches for a Quarter - Tommy Leonetti (1964)
- Three Nickels and a Dime - Ricky Lynn Gregg (1993)
- Three-Penny Opera - Richard Hayman and Jan August (1956)
- Two Cents - The Young Ones (1965)
- Two for a Nickel, Three for a Dime - Neal Hefti Orchestra (1953)
- Auctioneer, The - Chuck Miller (1956)
- Born to Shop - Mike Snider String Band (2000)
- Credit Card Song, The - Dick Feller (1974)
- Jumble Sale - Petula Clark (1962)
- Let's Go Shopping - Twisterbait (2009)
- Platinum Visa - Tef (2007)
- Possession Obsession - Hall and Oates (1985)
- Shop Around - Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (1961)
- Shoppin' for Clothes - Cornell Gunter's Coasters (1970)
- Shopping for Clothes - Jim Preen (2007)
- Shopping Spree - K'son (2009)
- Sold (Grundy County Auction Incident) - John Michael Montgomery (1995)
- Thrift Shopping - Matt Ward (2009)
- Window Shopping - The Friday Club (2009)
Songs about Pay/Paid
- Don't Pay the Ferryman - Chris de Burgh (1982)
- Don't Pay the Ransom - Nat Stuckey (1972)
- Easy Rider (Let the Wind Pay the Way) - Iron Butterfly (1970)
- Hazard Pay - Dick Smith (2003)
- Hell to Pay - The Danny Frazier Band (2005)
- High Cost, Low Pay Blues - Ivory Joe Hunter (1947)
- High Price to Pay, A - Felix Cavaliere (1974)
- I'd Pay the Price - Pieces of Eight (1968)
- I've Paid for My Mistake - Rosalie Allen (1951)
- I've Paid My Dues - Matt Lucas (1972)
- It's Time to Pay the Fiddler - Cal Smith (1975)
- Pay Day - Guy Davis (2004)
- Pay Phone, The - Bob Luman (1977)
- Pay You Back with Interest - The Hollies (1967)
- Payday Saturday Night - Zeke Clements (1952)
- Paying the Cost to Be the Boss - B.B. King (1968)
- Paying the Rent - Necessity (2007)
- Price I Paid for Loving You - Zeke Clements (1949)
- Price I Pay to Stay, The - Jeannie C. Riley (1969)
- Price We Pay for Livin', The - Bill Parsons (1961)
- We Got Paid by Cash - The Statler Brothers (1980)
- What a Price to Pay for Love - Jimmie Osborne (1949)
- You Gotta Pay - The Echoes (1958)
- You Will Have to Pay - Tex Ritter (1946)
- You've Got to Pay the Fiddler - Wiley and Gene (1941)
Songs about Cost
- Cheap - Flo and Eddie (1974)
- Cheap Imitation - Gayle Skidmore (2008)
- Cheap Perfume and Candlelight - Bobby Borchers (1977)
- Cheap Red Wine - Molly and the Heymakers (1995)
- Cheap Seats - Alabama (1994)
- Cheaper to Keep Her - Aaron Lines (2007)
- Cost of Lovin' You, The - Tony Toliver (1991)
- Don't Cost You Nothing - Ashford and Simpson (1978)
- Everything Has a Cost - Jason and the Scorchers (1996)
- Fool in Cheap Clothing - Larry Raspberry (1972)
- High Cost of Leaving, The - Exile (1983)
- High Cost of Loving, The - Charlie Ross (1982)
- High Cost of Low Living, The - Allman Brothers Band (2003)
- High Cost, Low Pay Blues - Ivory Joe Hunter (1947)
- High Price to Pay, A - Felix Cavaliere (1974)
- His Hat Cost More Than Mine - Dale Evans (1947)
- I Would Send You Roses But They Cost Too Much - Dolph Hewitt (1949)
- I'd Pay the Price - Pieces of Eight (1968)
- I'm a Cheap Drunk - Bill Engvall (2002)
- It Only Costs a Dime - Dick Flood (1960)
- Name Your Price - Slim Willet (1959)
- Price, The - Solomon Burke (1964)
- Price I Pay to Stay, The - Jeannie C. Riley (1969)
- Price of San Jacinto - Reverend Horton Heat (1996)
- Price We Pay for Livin', The - Bill Parsons (1961)
- Price, The - Solomon Burke (1964)
- Talk is Cheap - ? and the Mysterians (1968)
- Thrifty Man - Randy Brecker (1988)
- Violets and Cheap Perfume - Margie Bowes (1958)
- What a Price - The Destroyers (1985)
- What Price Gloria? - Vanishing Breed (1973)
- You Don't Count the Cost - Billy Dean (1991)
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