This file includes Cups, Milk, Soft Drinks, Coffee, Tea, and Water.
Also see Liquor, Misc Food, and Chocolate.

Official State Beverages

Milk is the official beverage of: AR, DE, LA, MD, MN, MS, NC, ND, NE, NY, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, VT, VA and WI.
Florida 'picked' orange juice as their state beverage. (pun intended!)
Other choices include: MA - cranberry juice, OH - Tomato Juice, and RI - coffee milk (I think you have to be from Rhode Island to understand that one).
Two states have another beverage in addition to milk. SC selected tea as its hospitality drink and NE selected Kool-Aid as its soft drink.


Quotes About Water

Drinking Fountain

(Marchette Chute)

When I climb up
To get a drink,
It doesn't work
The way you'd think.

I turn it up.
The water goes
And hits me right
Upon the nose.

I turn it down
To make it small
And don't get any
Drink at all.

Songs about Water

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Soft Drinks

Page Toppers

Water Or Coke?



Now the question is, would YOU like a glass of water or coke?

Songs about Soft Drinks

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Page Toppers


Songs about Milk

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Page Toppers


I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle (one hand on hip),
here is my spout (other arm out curved up)

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!
(lean sideways toward the 'spout' side)

On Tea

(J. Jonker, ca 1670)

Tea that helps our head and heart.
Tea medicates most every part.
Tea rejuvenates the very old.
Tea warms the hands of those who're cold.

Kitty Tea Time

"Meow," said kitty;
"Please, may I stay
To afternoon tea,
Just for today?"

"Kitty cat, kitty cat,
What can I do?
There's no cup and saucer,
There's no tea for you."

"Meow," said the kitty;
"Meow," said she.
"I don't need a cup,
I never take tea;
Some milk in a saucer,
Is better for me."

Tea With a Friend

I cannot sit and chat with you,
the way I'd like to do.
So brew yourself a cup of tea,
I'll think of you, you think of me.

The Tea Party

I had a little tea party this afternoon at three.
'Twas very small, three guests in all,
Just I, myself and me.
Myself ate up the sandwiches,
While I drank up the tea.
'Twas also I who ate the pie,
And passed the cake to me.

Songs about Tea


Songs about Cups

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Quotes and Page Toppers

You Know You're Addicted to Coffee If...

Songs about Coffee

Some beverages introduced to the market in the 20th century.

Source: Bon Appetit magazine.

Some of the song titles on this page came from Eric's Thematic Songlists

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