This file includes Physical Health, Doctors and Nurses, and EMTs.
Also see Fitness, Diet, Laughter is the Best Medicine, Stress, Emotional, and Mental Health, Cancer Survivors, Addiction (alcohol, drugs, smoking), Ouchies (accidents and illness), Teeth (dentist), Living Through a Pandemic, and Songs about the Body.
Note: Song lists about heath, breathing and doctors are at the bottom of the page.
- The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.
- The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
- Death is a low chemical trick played on everybody except Sequoia trees.
- Death is nature's way of telling you the FDA was right.
- Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
- Do you ever feel like your body's check engine light has been on a while but you're still driving it like "nah, it'll be fine?"
- Doctor to patient: "Take one of these whenever you can save up enough money for it."
- Don't think of organ donations as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive.
- Eat right, exercise daily, live clean, die anyway.
- Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
- Employment application blanks always ask who is to be notified in case of an emergency. I think you should write, "A Good Doctor!"
- Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
- Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. (Redd Foxx)
- Heart Attacks...God's revenge for eating his animal friends.
- I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol
- I intend to live forever--so far, so good.
- I refuse to spend my life worrying about what I eat. There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward. (John Mortimer)
- If I'd known I was going to live so long, I'd have taken better care of myself. (Leon Eldred)
- If time heals all wounds, how come your belly button stays the same?
- If you are unsure about vaccinations, the answer is literally written in stone. Go to a cemetery. See all the baby graves there from before the 1950s - then very few after the 1950s? That's when people started vaccinating their kids.
- If you don't take time for your wellness you will be forced to make time for your illness.
- If you wish to keep as well as possible, the less you think about your health the better. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
- If your condition seems to be getting better, it's probably because your doctor is getting sick.
- It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.
- It's not the pace of life that concerns me; it's the sudden stop at the end.
- A joyful heart is good medicine. (Proverbs 17:22)
- Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. (Doug Larson)
- Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.
- Look on the bright side! As long as you're in the don't have to decide what to wear!
Maybe oxygen is really bad for you but it takes up to 100 years or so to kill you.
- Never knock on Death's door: ring the doorbell and run (he hates that).
- Old hypochondriacs never die they just imagine it.
- On a tombstone: "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK"
- The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.
- Since you've been sick there's been a vacuum...and no one knows how to run it!
- Sneezing is much 'achoo' about nothing.
- So you're sick. Look at the bright you finally have a reason to whine and complain!
- They claim red meat is bad for you. But I never saw a sick-looking tiger. (Chi Chi Rodriguez)
- They give you an appointment six weeks ahead; then they examine you;
then they ask, "Why did you wait so long to see me?"
- Those with chronic illnesses aren't faking being sick. They are actually faking being well.
- To keep the body in good health is a duty...otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. (Buddha)
- Warning: Humor may be hazardous to your illness. (Ellie Katz)
- What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease. (George Dennison Prentice)
- When you're resting because you're exhausted, remember that you are not doing nothing. You are doing exactly what you need to do, you are recovering.
- Why are there handicapped parking spaces at the Lazy Mountain Trailhead? If a handicapped person is going to climb 3,000 vertical feet up a mountain why not ten extra feet in a flat parking lot? (Michael Logsdon)
- Who were the beta testers for Preparations A through G?
- You've been to the DMV . . . and you still think the government should run your health care?
Identifying a Stroke Victim
Early symptoms of a stroke can be hard to recognize. Three questions can help.
~~ Ask the individual to smile.
~~ Ask him or her to raise both arms.
~~ Ask the person to speak a simple sentence.
If they have trouble with any of these tasks, call 9-1-1 and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
But remember, the absence of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate that a person is NOT having a stroke. Suspect a stroke when any of these symptoms are present:
~~ Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
~~ Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
~~ Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
~~ Sudden severe headache with no known cause
Five ways fibromyalgia makes you awesome.
- You have a real-life superpower. You can withstand incredible amounts of pain that would knock most people flat on their back. You walk around like normal, but inside you are stronger because you have been through so much.
- You sympathize with others. Whether they are feeling physical or emotional pain, the battles you have fought taught you to care for other people. You know what it's like to struggle, to be misunderstood and to be ignored, and you don't want others feeling that way.
- You can find joy in small things. The limitations of your disease have taught you to take nothing for granted. You may notice the sound of the birds or the color of the sky more than you did before you got sick. You don't take a good day for granted, even if you don't do anything exciting.
- You adapt well to change. No one likes change, and most people avoid it. And yet you face uncertainty every single day and conquer it. Each day you wake up and have no idea how you're going to feel and how it's going to affect your life. Yet you manage to adjust to whatever your body throws at you.
- You are a medical expert. When you first got sick you thought the doctors would take care of you, but you learned that many doctors are less than helpful. So you went to the internet for information. You learned what sources were accurate and what sources should be discarded. You figured out the minutia of your disease and found a way to live with it. You know more about your illness than many doctors, and that makes you awesome.
Enough is Enough
Patient: "Doc, I'm having trouble with my hearing."
Doctor: "How old are you?"
Patient: "77"
Doctor: "You've heard enough."
Not Worth the Trouble
"How old are you?" the funeral director asked the bereaved husband.
"Ninety-seven." The man replied.
"Hardly worth going home, is it?" responded the funeral director.
Home Remedies That Really Work
- If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto! The blockage will be almost instantly removed.
- Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.
- High blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for awhile, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
- A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep when you hit the snooze button.
- If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough.
- Have a bad tooth ache? Hit your thumb with a hammer and then you will forget about the tooth ache.
- really good to your family and friends. You never know when you are going to need them to hold the vegetables.
Preparing for Your First Mammogram
Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following practice exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test, and best of all, you can do these simple practice exercises right in your home.
Exercise 1: Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast between the door and the main box. Have a strong friends slam the door shut and lean on the it for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn't effective enough.
Exercise 2: Go to your garage at 3:00 a.m. when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off your clothes and lie on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently chilled and flattened. Turn over and repeat for the other breast.
Exercise 3: Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts. Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.
Congratulations! Now you are properly prepared for your mammogram!
(Note: I hesitated to put this here because I would not want to discourage anyone from having a mammogram. However, people I have talked to who have had a mammogram--including myself--think it is quite amusing. A mammogram is uncomfortable, but not enough to risk your life by not having one.)
Mysterious Deaths
In a hospital intensive care unit, patients were dying in the same bed every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. regardless of their condition. This puzzled doctors and some even thought that it had something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths took place at the same time every week.
Eventually a world wide team of medical experts were contacted and they decided to investigate the cause of the incidents. The next Sunday morning a few minutes before 11:00 a.m the group gathered outside the room--some with bibles, others with crosses and other spiritual symbols to ward off evil.
Just then the clock struck 11 . . .
And then . . .
the Sunday cleaning person unplugged the life support system and plugged in his vacuum cleaner.
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Health Care Workers
Quotes and Humor
- Acupuncture: a jab well done!
- The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. (Voltaire)
- A bad doctor treats symptoms; a competent doctor treats diseases; but a good doctor treats patients.
- The best doctors use both their heart and their mind and blend gentleness with skill.
- The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.
- Chiropractors are well-adjusted people.
- The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
- Dermatologists often make rash statements.
- Do pediatricians play miniature golf on Wednesdays?
- Doctor to irate patient: "I know you had to sit in my waiting room for four hours,
Mr. Smith...That was your stress test."
- Doctor: any number of medical professionals who use a variety of therapies to make sick people well enough to sue for malpractice.
- Doctor to patient: "Take one of these whenever you can save up enough money for it."
- The great secret of doctors, known only to their wives, but still hidden from the public, is that most things get better by themselves; most things, in fact, are better in the morning. (Lewis Thomas)
- Gynecologist Greeting: Dilated to meet you.
- Gynecologist Office: Cervix Station
- He cures most in whom most have faith.
- I accidentally called the number for my gynecologist instead of my dentist. I heard dead silence for a few seconds followed by laughter, when I asked to make an appointment for a routine cleaning.
- I thought my dermatologist liked me but I found out his feelings were only skin deep.
- It takes a lot of patients to be a successful doctor.
- The mark of a true doctor is usually illegible.
- Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existence. (James Bryce)
- Notice in health food shop window: Closed Due to Illness
- Nurse in doctor's waiting room: In order to follow privacy requirements we can no longer call for patients by their name. Will the lady with hemorrhoids please some in?
- OBs specialize in labor management.
- Optometrists have lots of contacts.
- Orthopedists get all the breaks.
- A pediatrician is a man known to have very little patients.
- Pharmacists provide just what the doctor ordered.
- Plastic surgeons can help you pick your nose.
- Podiatrists help you put your best foot forward.
- Podiatrists are important because time wounds all heels.
- The practice of medicine is not only a science; it is an art. It deals with the very process of life.
- Receptionist to patient: "The doctor will be with you just as soon as he gets rid of those pesky guys from '60 Minutes'!"
- They give you an appointment six weeks ahead; then they examine you;
then they ask, "Why did you wait so long to see me?"
- We have to ask ourselves whether medicine is to remain a humanitarian and respected profession or a new but depersonalized science in the service of prolonging life rather than diminishing human suffering. (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross)
- Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
- X-ray techs see people in a different light.
Second Opinion
Doctor: "The results of your tests point to your pancreas as the root of your trouble."
Patient: "I think I'd like another opinion."
Doctor: "OK, the results of your tests point to your liver as the root of your trouble."
Changing Professions
A gynecologist had a midlife crisis. He decided to leave the medical profession and become an auto mechanic. He went to auto mechanic school, and pretty soon it was time for the final exam.
He finished the exam and was amazed that the instructor gave him a grade of 200. He says to the instructor, "I thought the highest you could score on the test was 100."
"Usually it is, "the instructor replied. "I give 50 points for taking the engine apart correctly and 50 for putting it back together correctly. The extra 100 points is for doing it through the muffler."
Faith Healer
A faith healer ran into his old friend Max and asked him how things were going.
"Not so good," was the pained reply, "My brother is very sick."
"Your brother isn't sick," contradicted the faith healer, "he only thinks he's sick. Remember that, he only thinks he's sick."
Two months later they met again and the faith healer asked Max: "How's your brother now?"
"Worse," groaned Max, "he thinks he's dead."
Country Doctor
A young doctor, raised in the city, opened his practice in a rural area of Canada. The second day, his doorbell rang at 4:30 a.m. He stumbled toward the door; his mind scrambling to be alert for what must be a terrible emergency. Opening the door, he was surprised to see a farmer, looking quite fit. "Good heavens, man, what is it?" the doctor asked.
"Nothing much," said the farmer. "You asked me to drop by for my blood test just before breakfast, and here I am."
You Might Be in the Health Care Field if...
- Discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal is perfectly normal to you.
- You believe in serial spraying of Prozac.
- Your idea of comforting a child is placing him in a papoose restraint.
- You believe that 'Shallow Gene Pool' should be a diagnosis.
- You believe that the government should require a permit to reproduce.
- When you are out in public, you compliment complete strangers on their veins.
- You have ever wanted to hold a seminar entitled: 'Suicide--Getting it Right the First Time.'
- You have ever had to leave a patient's room before laughing hysterically.
- You think caffeine should be available in IV form.
- You have ever restrained someone, and it was not a sexual experience.
- You commonly utter the phrase: "What changed tonight at 2 a.m. that made this an emergency after six months?!"
- You believe that 'Too Stupid to Live' should be a diagnosis.
- You think putting a Valium salt lick in the ER waiting room is a novel idea.
- When you mention vegetables, you are not thinking of a food group.
- You have been exposed to so many x-rays you don't even bother with birth control.
- You have used the words 'Healthcare Reform' to strike fear in the hearts of your co-workers.
- You have heard, "Why, I don't know how that got stuck in there" way too many times.
Nurse Page Toppers
- LPN: Loving Person Near
- LPN: Low Paid Nurse
- A Nurse is God's Angel of Mercy!
- Nurses are I.V. Leaguers
- Nurses are the Cure-all!
- Nurses Call the SHOTS!
- Nurses Can Take the Pressure!
- Nurses Give Intensive Care
- Nurses Go the Rounds
- Nurses Have a Lot of Patients
- Nursing is the Gentle Art of Caring
- Nursing is a Work of Heart!
- Nurses are Angels in Comfortable Shoes
- Nurses are the Heartbeat of Health Care
- Nurses Can Really Take the Pressure!
- Nurses Hold the Key to Recovery
- OB Nurses Take Pleasure in Little Things
- On a Scale of 1-100, Nurses are a 98.6!
- Our Specialty is TLC (tender loving care)
- Pediatric Nurses Really Baby Their Patients
- RN Means...Real Nice!
Nurse Quotes
- Always willing to comfort and share.
Helping to ease every problem and care.
You're more than a nurse, you're a blessing!
- As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)
- Behind every good doctor is a great nurse!
- Blessed are the nurses, for they help us heal through love and care.
- Dear Nurse, Your loving care and gentle touch has made a difference.
- If love can't cure it, nurses can.
- Nurses prayer: Lord bless me with a gentle touch and caring heart.
- We'd all be worse without a nurse!
- When you are in the hospital you should be nice to the nurse; they are the ones that keep the doctors from killing you.
Laws of Nursing
- As soon as you discontinue the IV line, more fluids will be ordered.
- As soon as you've ordered the pizzas, 25 patients show up at the ER registration desk--all in cardiac arrest!
- Doctors only ask your name when the patient isn't doing well.
- If you wear a new white uniform, expect to be thrown up on.
- The patient furthest from the nurses' station rings the call bell more often than the patient nearest to the nurses' station.
- Mandatory meetings are always scheduled after you've had the night from hell and just want to go home to bed.
- Staffing will gladly send you three aides--but you have to float two of your RNs.
- When you cancel extra staff because it's so quiet, you are guaranteed a rash of admissions.
- You always forget what it was you wanted when get to the supply room. You always remember when you get back to the other end of the ward.
- You always remember "just one more thing" you need after you've gowned, gloved, and masked and gone into the isolation room.
What Doctors Say...and what they're really thinking
- This should be taken care of right away.
- . . . I'd planned a trip but this is so easy and profitable I want to fix it before it cures itself.
- Welllllll, what have we here . . . ?
- . . . He has no idea and is hoping you'll give him a clue.
- Let me check your medical history.
- . . . I want to see if you paid your last bill before spending anymore time with you.
- Why don't we make another appointment later in the week.
- . . . I'm playing golf this afternoon . . . or . . . I need the bucks, so I'm charging you for another visit.
- I have some good news and some bad news.
- . . . The good news is, I'm going to buy that new BMW. The bad news is, you're going to pay for it.
- Let's see how it develops.
- . . . Maybe in a few days it will grow into something that can be cured.
- Let me schedule you for some tests.
- . . . I have 40% interest in the lab.
- I'd like to prescribe a new drug.
- . . . I'm writing a paper and would like to use you for a guinea pig.
- If it doesn't clear up in a week, give me a call.
- . . . I don't know what it is. Maybe it will go away by itself.
- That's quite a nasty looking wound.
- . . . I think I'm going to throw up.
- This may smart a little.
- . . . Last week two patients bit off their tongues.
- Well, we're not feeling so well today, are we . . . ?
- . . . I'm stalling for time. Who are you and why are you here?
- This should fix you up.
- . . . The drug company slipped me some big bucks to prescribe this stuff.
- I'd like to run some more tests.
- . . . I don't know what's wrong but maybe the kid in the lab can figure it out.
- Do you suppose all this stress could be affecting your nerves?
- . . . Now, if I can only find a shrink who'll split fees with me . . .
- There is a lot of that going around.
- . . . My God, that's the third one this week. I'd better learn something about this.
Actual Medical Chart Entries
- Patient refused autopsy.
- Patient has no previous history of suicides.
- Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital.
- Patient's medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a forty pound weight gain in the past three days.
- She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.
- Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.
- On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared.
- The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.
- The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.
- Discharge status: Alive, but without my permission.
- Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert, but forgetful.
- Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.
- She is numb from her toes down.
- While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home.
- The skin was moist and dry.
- Occasional, constant infrequent headaches.
- Patient was alert and unresponsive.
- Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.
- She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce.
- I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.
- Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.
- Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
- The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.
- Skin: somewhat pale, but present.
- The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor.
- Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.
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Emergency Medical Technicians
Quotes about EMTs
- Emergency calls do not interrupt my work. They are my work!
- E.M.T.s--Day or Night, They do it right!
- EMTs give; so others may live!
- EMTs prevent natural selection one stupid person at a time.
- For an EMT life is one emergency after another.
EMT/Paramedic ABC's
A - ambulance, accident, asystole, at scene, ALS (advanced life support), anesthesia, analgesic, aorta, arrhythmia, aspirator, AOB (alcohol on breath), apnea, AA (Ambulance Attendant), address, acknowledge
B- beeper, broken bones, burns, blood pressure, blood pressure cuff, bradycardia, blankets, bandages, backboard, BLS (basic life support), blood, baby
C - car, cardiovascular, collision, cut, CPR, cervical collar, CAD (computer aided dispatch), crutches, CHF, contusion, concussion, cyanotic, carotid, CVA, coma, comatose, choking, convulsions
D - defibrillator, diabetes, D5W (dextrose 5 percent solution in water), DOA, determinant(s), disinfectant, diastolic, delivery, delirious, drugs,doctor, dusky
E - emergency, epinephrine, en route, ETA, EMS, EKG, epilepsy, EOH, equipment, examine
F - first responder, fire, fractures, fatality, fibrillator, femoral, fever, flashing lights
G - gauze, gurney, generator, GSW (gun shot wound), GCS (Glascow coma scale)
H - heart attack, highway, Hurst tools, hospital, hemorrhage, heart monitor
I - insulin, IV, immobilization, injection, incident, in station, injured, injury
J - Jaws of Life, joint, judgment, jugular
K - KY Jelly, kidney, knowledge
L - Life Flight, lacerations, labor, lab work, lifesaver, lungs, location
M - medicine, maternity, malpractice, muscle, mask, MI, morphine
N - nasal cannula, needle, non-responsive, nurse
O - oxygen, oxygen mask, on scene, on air, otoscope, OD, 02 sat
P - pulse, pager, pen light, paramedic, priority, patient, pregnancy, pulse oximetry, pneumothorax, pupils equal and responsive, pupils not equal
Q - quick response, qualifications, queasy, query, question, queue
R - respirations, restraints, rescue, resuscitate, radio, response, responding, Ringer's, radial, rookie, route
S - splint, saline, stretcher, stethoscope, sinus rhythm, siren, sling, shock, suction, status, stabilize, snakebite, station, scalpel, stroke, stabilizer, sphygmomanometer, systolic, seizure
T - temperature, tachycardia, transport, triage, treatment, trauma center, thermometer, tongue depressor, tourniquet, Trach (for tracheotomy), transfer
U - underwater rescue, unresponsive, unit, unconscious, uniform, umbilical cord, understanding, unflagging, unknown, urgent
V - vital signs, volunteer, VSA (vital signs absent), vein, ventilate, verify, vertebra, veteran, victim, vision, volt
W - wound, whiplash, weak and thready (for pulse), watch, woozy, wisdom, workup
X - eXamine, X-ray, eXtreme
Y - YOM (year old male), YOF (year old female) - used in conjunction with a number
Z - zyphoid
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Songs about Health
- 98.6 - Keith (1967)
- 98.6 and Fallin' - Jill King (2004)
- Allergic - Leslie West (2004)
- Blood Bank Blues - Boris and the Crypt Kickers (1965)
- Bloodshot Eyes - Hank Penny (1950)
- Cat Scratch Fever - Ted Nugent (1977)
- Common Colds and Broken Hearts - Ray Pillow (1966)
- Contagious - The Isley Brothers (2001)
- Dental Hygeine Dilemma - The Mothers of Invention (1971)
- Fatal Wound - Uncle Tupelo (1992)
- Fever - The Neville Brothers (1984)
- Flu Blues - Jack Kid (2001)
- Get Well Soon - The Elegants (1960)
- Geusundheit - Xavier Cugat and His Orchestra (1958)
- Good Luck, Good Health, God Bless You - Roy Rogers (1951)
- Heart Attack - Eric Burdon (1995)
- High Blood Pressure - Bluesville (1965)
- I Got a Stomach Ache - Junior Wells (2000)
- I've Got Spring Fever - Little Willie John (1961)
- Itch, The - Vitamin C (2000)
- Itchin' - Jerry Dykes (1966)
- Itchy Twitchy Feeling - Bobby Hendricks (1958)
- Itchy Twitchy Spot - Run C&W (1995)
- Lou's Got the Flu - Roger Miller (1964)
- Love Can Be Hazardous to Your Health - David Ruffin (1975)
- Medicine Man - The Buchanan Brothers (1969)
- Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation - John Hartford (1968)
- Night Fever - The Bee Gees (1978)
- OxyContin Blues - Steve Earle (2007)
- Poison - Alice Cooper (1989)
- Poison Ivy - The Coasters (1959)
- Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu - The Clowns (1957)
- Scarlet Fever - Kenny Rogers (1983)
- Scratchy - Travis Wammack (1964)
- Seasick Cruise - Hasil Adkins (1997)
- Second-Hand Smoke - JW Hanberry (2007)
- She's My Antibiotic - Frankie Miller (1967)
- Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired - David Wilkins (2005)
- Sick, Sober and Sorry - Tommy Duncan and His Band (1959)
- Slipped Disc - The Whippoorwills (1959)
- Sneezin' Bee, The - Spike Jones and His Band (1956)
- Spring Fever - Don Potter (1981)
- Starve a Fever - Kathy Barnes (1977)
- Stomach Ache - Molinari and Corsini (2009)
- That Sick Feeling in My Stomach - Chandler Tracy (2008)
- Transfusion - Nervous Norvus (1956)
- Vitamin Pills - Duster Bennett (1970)
Songs about Breathing
- Air That I Breathe, The - The Mavericks (2003)
- Air We Breathe - Alisha's Attic (1997)
- Breathe - Faith Hill (1999)
- Breathing Space - Artisan (1993)
- Breathless - River Road (2000)
- Breathless in the Night - Chuck Pyle (1986)
- Close Your Eyes, Take a Deep Breath - Steve and Eydie (1955)
- Every Breath You Take - Mason Dixon (1983)
- How Do I Breathe? - Mario (2007)
- I Breath In, I Breathe Out - Chris Cagle (2001)
- I Can't Breathe Anymore - David Gilmour (1978)
- It Only Hurts When I Breathe - Player (1982)
- It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing - Shania Twain (2004)
- It Took My Breath Away - The Alley Cats (1940)
- Learning to Breathe Again - Larry Stewart (1999)
- Painful Breath - Josh Logan and Nobody's Business (2004)
- Take My Breath Away - Margo Smith (1976)
- You Talk Sunshine, I Breathe Fire - The Amboy Dukes (1968)
Songs about Doctors
- Against Doctor's Orders - Rachel Stewart (2005)
- Call a Doctor - The Crows (2005)
- Call Me a Doctor - David Ramirez (2005)
- Call the Doctor - Lisa Thurman (2006)
- Country Doctor - Bruce Hornsby (1995)
- Doctor, The - The Doobie Brothers (1989)
- Doctor's Orders - Carol Douglas (2008)
- Doctor, Doctor - Consequence (2004)
- I'm Your Witchdoctor - John Mayall's Bluesbreakers (1965)
- Send for the Doctor - Doc Pomus (1950)
- Witch Doctor - The Re-Bops (2000)
- You're Just What the Doctor Ordered - Johnnie and Jack (1954)
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